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How Commercial Cleaning Services Impact Top Industries in 2024

Commercial cleaning services | Industrial cleaning | PerfectlyClean

Post Covid-19 almost 90% of the world population understood the necessity of cleanliness in and around their environment. To be precise, many industries adopted commercial cleaning companies as their cleaning partner after the outbreak of the most deadly disease in the century. 

Employees were guided to work from home on an average of at least 2 years across nations. All the employers understood the critical aspect of cleanliness in their respective industries. But many companies in various industries are yet to hire a clean partner. 

The purpose of this blog is to present real time facts about the 5 major industries that we believe are necessary for the audience to know. Also in addition to the actual facts, we are happy to present the productive testimonials given by our partner companies across industries. 

Let us share the user journey of Perfectly Clean to help the companies in and around Australia and find the best commercial cleaning services to enhance the business cleanliness.

What is commercial cleaning, and how does it benefit businesses?

Commercial cleaning involves professional cleaning services by professionals for businesses and institutions, ensuring cleanliness, hygiene, and organization in commercial spaces. 

It benefits businesses by addressing health and safety concerns, improving productivity, and maintaining a professional brand image, while also minimising long-term maintenance costs and ensuring regulatory compliance for certain industries. Now, let’s understand the top 5 industries require commercial cleaning services. 

Top 5 Industries that require Commercial Cleaning Services

After the outbreak of the deadly disease, many industries were affected severely which made them lose 100’s of millions in cash. Also, it made them realise how maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial for their business. 

Commercial cleaning services are crucial in maintaining their business in order to run in an effective manner. So, here are the top 5 industries that require commercial cleaning services.

  1. Healthcare Industry

  2. Educational Institutions

  3. Facility Managements

  4. Fitness Centres

  5. Retail Businesses

In this list, some of the industries lost their revenue directly to the disease in the past 2 years and they realised how important a clean space is for their business. In the past 2 years, we have served most of the clients from these industries and we are damn sure that they are in need of our commercial cleaning services. 

Healthcare Industry Cleaning- Updates and Trends

We may not point to the healthcare industry as the one which lost most of the revenue in these 5 industries but we are sure that this industry requires commercial cleaning services more than any of these 5 industries in the list. 

As people lose trust in their healthcare service provider it is highly impossible for healthcare facilities to attract their target audience, hence they highly demand for the service. 

When the place is clean, there is no room for germs and infections to spread. It helps to ensure patient’s safety, follow healthcare regulations and win their trust. So, most of the healthcare facilities started adopting green cleaning solutions to avoid the use of harsh chemicals. 

Valid data points to prove, why healthcare industry requires commercial cleaning services,

  1. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI’s) affect 1 in 31 hospital patients daily, a report by CDC.

  2. Green Cleaning Adoption is increased by 40% in hospitals, a report by Green Cleaning Network. 

  3. Various studies show that enhanced cleaning regulations reduce the incidence of HAIs by up to 32%.

Here is a table of proof for the data,

Impact of Enhanced Cleaning Regulations in Healthcare Facilities,


HAIs Before Enhanced Cleaning Protocols (%)

HAIs After Enhanced Cleaning Protocols (%)
















Healthcare cleaning | Perfectlyclean

The growth of HAI’s has led to the adoption of electrostatic disinfection in most of the hospitals which ensures the space is properly disinfected. 

More technology intrusion is happening in the healthcare sector such as Cleaning Robots, Robotic attender to patients and many more advancements. 

An Insight from an Insider:

At PerfectlyClean, we are happy to include our client testimonial here for your reference, 

“We are extremely satisfied with the cleaning services provided by PerfectlyClean. Their team has consistently delivered exceptional results, maintaining a pristine and hygienic environment for our patients and staff. Their attention to detail and commitment to infection prevention is evident in their work. We highly recommend their services to any healthcare facility looking to prioritise cleanliness and patient safety.”

Educational Institutions Cleaning- Updates and Trends

Our Children require a safe place to learn so that they have a beautiful future. It is significant for any school to keep their premises clean and hygienic. Almost all parents trust their children's school based on the cleanliness of the school.

Today’s Kids are Tomorrow’s Nation. 

We as a society should make this Earth a happy place for our children and it starts with their school. Encouraging students to carry out the necessary cleaning activities becomes the sole purpose of teachers in developing our nation of tomorrow. 

Starting with self-hygiene to maintain a clean place starts from their school. Teachers and school management are supposed to make the place neat and clean without any chance of getting illness. 

Everything starts with partnering with the right cleaning company. From there as school owners you are not required to do everything on your own. Now we have some data to present why school cleaning services become significant in this process. 

Importance of Commercial Cleaning in Data’s:

  1. Reducing Absenteeism : According to the CDC, infectious diseases cause 22 million school days to be lost each year. 

  2. Improvement in Attendance: School attendance was reduced by 15% when regular professional cleaning was implemented.

Professional Cleaning Services Impact on Schools:


Average Days Absent Before Professional Cleaning

Average Days Absent After Professional Cleaning
















School cleaning Services | Cleaners | PerfectlyClean

Most schools are opting in for school cleaning services in Melbourne and they are supposed to maintain cleanliness across their campus. We are PerfectlyClean and can help you reduce absenteeism and improve the learning environment for your students. 

An Insight from Insider

Almost 80% of our school clients, have got increased in admission numbers and reduced the numbers of absenteeism among their students and one of our client’s testimonial says, 

Facility Management Cleaning - Updates and Trends

Facilities are categorised based on their cleanliness and aesthetics. It is of high importance for facilities managers to clean their facilities accordingly. One of the most affected industries during Covid-19 is the facility management industry. Most businesses got out of business during that period. 

To thrive back and enhance the business they were supposed to do various things. One important factor is cleanliness and they were hiring cleaning partners across the globe for it. 

They trust their cleaning partners for the work and they have seen a rise in the market.

Key Trends in the Market:

  1. Emphasis on Sustainable Solutions: 

Most facility managers have increased the use of sustainable cleaning products to showcase they are environmentally friendly. 

  1. Regularised Deep Cleaning Schedules:

The number of regularised deep cleaning schedules have increased to look after their clean environment.

  1. Use of Automated Cleaning Equipment:

Automated cleaning tools have seen an increase in number to serve facility managements similar to that of robotic vacuums. 




Sick Leave Reduction

20% reduction in sick leaves (BOMA)

Sustainable Cleaning Growth

15% annual increase (Green Building Council)

Robotic Cleaning Equipment

25% adoption rate in facilities (Facility Management Journal)

Graph: Reduction in sick leave for Facilities


Average Sick Days Before Professional Cleaning

Average Sick Days After Professional Cleaning
















Facility Cleaning | Cleaning Services | PerfectlyClean


From the data it is evident that most of the facilities are finding themselves in a position to hire commercial cleaning companies for their requirements. They might want to set the standard of cleanliness so they are becoming the no 1 brand in the industry. 

Most major facility management companies in Melbourne are hiring us for their job. We are elated to inform you that at this very particular moment, our facilities management companies are more than happy that we are in collaboration. 

Perfectly Clean enhances facility management business and they got a 35.8 % increase in the footfall. It’s all a win-win situation for both of the parties involved. We are providing services which are solving our client’s problems. 

Fitness Centre Cleaning- Updates and Trends

Two setbacks in fitness industry after the deadly disease arrival, 

  1. Member Retention

Most of the gym owners are finding themselves in a critical situation wherein they are not aware of the solution to retain members. Industry reports from fitness associations state that they are retaining at least 35% of members if they utilise the help of professional cleaning services. 

This study indirectly denotes that, most of the members are not continuing the gym if they find themselves in awkward situations such as while handling equipment, during breaks and even on the reception.  

  1. Hygiene Maintenance

To gain gym goers trust, it is crucial to maintain a clean gym. After the worst 2 years, gym owners understood the importance of cleaning services and this situation is not changing forever. 

Stringent disinfection protocols are followed to maintain hygiene in fitness centres. Even at certain gyms they have a standard procedure for disinfecting gym equipment and a standard checklist for cleaning. 

Moreover fitness centres are educating members on the importance of personal hygiene and providing cleaning supplies for their own use. To show they are environmentally friendly, they are promoting the use of green cleaning methods in their gym. 

Impact of reliable professional gym cleaning



Member Retention

35% higher in clean gyms (IHRSA)

Antimicrobial Agent Usage

50% increase in fitness centres (Cleaning Business Today)

Daily Cleaning Frequency

80% of gyms cleaned daily (Fitness Industry Report)

Impact of Professional Cleaning on Gym Goers,


Average Retention Rate Before Professional Cleaning (%)

Average Retention Rate After Professional Cleaning (%)
















Gym cleaning | Gym Cleaners | Perfectly Clean

Insights from an Insider:

Most of our gym clients require daily cleaning and fortnightly deep cleaning for their premises. We have seen our gym clients grow in numbers about 25% every quarter. 

All this data suggests that professional cleaning services by a local cleaning company in Melbourne helps the gym a lot. 

Retail Businesses Cleaning - Updates and Trends

Importance of Commercial cleaning services for Retail Industry.

One of the High traffic areas in any city is a retail store, especially in cities like Melbourne. 

Cleanliness of stores impacts their brand image and their business. Nobody wants to buy from a dusty place. Hence the impact of retail store cleaning is high. 

To boost employee productivity and increase the foot traffic, it’s crucial to maintain the space clean. Also, by maintaining a clean retail store retail owners get a huge chunk of outcomes.

Outcomes from Retail Store Cleaning:

  1. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

  2. Improved Health & Safety

  3. Positive Brand Image.

Listed are some of the outcomes of retail store cleaning, in addition to it they also enjoy the more revenue benefits. The data points proves the same,



Customer Satisfaction

60% increase in clean stores (Retail Dive)

Foot Traffic Increase

20% higher in well-maintained stores (Forbes)

Eco-friendly Product Usage

35% adoption in retail cleaning (Sustainable Retail Report)

This Graph is the proof of above said statement


Customer Satisfaction Rate Before Professional Cleaning (%)

Customer Satisfaction Rate After Professional Cleaning (%)
















Retail Store cleaning | Store Cleaning | perfectlyClean

An insight from an Insider:

  • Retail Stores fully dependable on appearance and customer satisfaction

  • Our clients saw an incredible 98% increase in customer satisfaction after hiring us. 

  • We are also happy to inform you about the aesthetics of their clean retail store. 

A Real Time Insights to Help Before You Invest In Cleaning

In this section, we have planned to present some news and trends about the industries. 

Some of the interesting data points are,

  1. Cleaning Requirements: All the industries don't require to share the same cleaning requirements. It is based on each and every industry. 

“Unique Cleaning for Unique Industry”

  1. Seasonal Changes: Some of the industries require cleaning in summer, and some in winter and likewise each industry has their own timings of the cleaning requirement. 

“Make hay while the sun shines, Clean your business when you can”

  1. Frequency of Cleaning: The most underrated factor in the cleaning industry, frequency. Based on the type of cleaning required you are supposed to change the frequency. 

You won’t get these data’s anywhere, they are unique and are presented to you by Perfectlyclean. Understand your cleaning requirements and make use of these data. 

How Perfectly Clean Can Transform Your Business?

Perfectly Clean stands out due to its commitment to excellence and tailored cleaning solutions. Our approach includes:

  • Customised Cleaning Plans: We develop cleaning plans tailored to the specific needs of each industry.

  • Advanced Cleaning Technologies: For the highest standards of cleanliness, we employ the latest cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products.

  • Highly Trained Staff: Our professional staff are highly trained to deliver top-quality service and ensure client satisfaction.

Conclusion - Enhance your business with Commercial Cleaning Services in 2024

Investing in professional commercial cleaning services is not just about maintaining a clean environment; it's about making and maintaining a healthier, more productive, and welcoming space for everyone. 

Whether you're in the healthcare industry aiming to reduce infections, an educational institution striving to improve attendance, a facility manager seeking to enhance productivity, a fitness centre focused on member retention, or a retail business looking to boost customer satisfaction, the benefits of reliable professional cleaning are undeniable.

We clean almost all the industries and we are a local cleaning company in Melbourne which makes us the best for your business with all these expertise and experience.

Ready to experience the hidden power of a clean environment?

At Perfectlyclean, we specialise in tailored cleaning solutions that meet the unique needs of each industry. Our expert team uses the latest cleaning technologies and best practices to ensure your space not only meets but exceeds cleanliness standards.

Don't wait—take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more successful business today!


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